Foreign workers from American Samoa may have various reasons for wanting to move to Europe with a work permit visa. Here are some potential motivations:

  1. Economic opportunities: American Samoa, as a small and remote territory, may have limited employment opportunities and economic growth. Foreign workers may seek better job prospects, higher wages, and improved economic conditions in Europe.

  2. Professional development: Moving to Europe with a work permit visa can provide foreign workers from American Samoa with access to a wider range of industries, career advancement opportunities, and exposure to new technologies and business practices. They may seek to enhance their professional skills and gain valuable work experience in a more dynamic and competitive environment.

  3. Educational opportunities: Europe is home to prestigious universities and educational institutions known for their academic excellence. Foreign workers may desire to pursue higher education or professional development programs in Europe to expand their knowledge and enhance their career prospects.

  4. Cultural experiences and diversity: Europe offers a rich cultural heritage and diverse societies. Foreign workers from American Samoa may be drawn to the opportunity to experience different cultures, languages, and traditions while living and working in Europe.

  5. Travel opportunities: Europe's geographical proximity to various countries and its well-connected transportation networks make it an attractive base for exploring other European destinations. Foreign workers may see Europe as a gateway to travel and experience different countries and regions during their time off.

  6. Family reunification: Some foreign workers from American Samoa may have family members or relatives already residing in Europe. Moving with a work permit visa can provide an opportunity for family reunification, enabling them to live together and support each other in a new environment.

  7. Personal growth and independence: Moving to Europe with a work permit visa can offer foreign workers from American Samoa the chance to step outside their comfort zone, experience new challenges, and foster personal growth. It allows them to gain independence, develop new skills, and broaden their horizons.

It's important to note that individual motivations may vary, and each foreign worker's circumstances, aspirations, and personal goals can differ.


The work permit visa requirements for Ireland can vary depending on the type of work permit you are applying for and your individual circumstances. However, here are some general requirements for obtaining a work permit visa in Ireland:

  1. Job Offer: You must have a valid job offer from an Irish employer who is willing to sponsor your work permit application.

  2. Employment Permit: The Irish employer needs to obtain the necessary employment permit or work permit from the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation in Ireland, depending on the type of job and the skill level.

  3. Skills and Qualifications: You need to have the required skills, qualifications, and experience for the particular position you are applying for. The Irish employer needs to demonstrate that they are unable to find a suitable candidate from within the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland for the job.

  4. Labor Market Needs Test: In some cases, the Irish employer may need to conduct a Labor Market Needs Test, which involves advertising the job vacancy to prove that there are no suitable candidates available from the local labor market.

  5. Application Process: The Irish employer typically initiates the work permit application process on your behalf. They will submit the necessary documents and forms to the relevant Irish authorities.

  6. Documentation: You will need to provide various documents, including a valid passport, passport-size photographs, completed application forms, proof of qualifications and experience, and any other specific documents required by the Irish authorities.

  7. Immigration Permission: Once your work permit application has been approved, you will need to apply for immigration permission or a work visa at an Irish embassy or consulate in your home country or country of residence.

  8. Medical Examination: In some cases, you may be required to undergo a medical examination to demonstrate that you are in good health and do not have any contagious diseases.


Please note that these are general requirements, and the specific documents and procedures can vary based on the type of work permit and your individual circumstances. It is advisable to consult with the employer or a professional immigration service or lawyer who can provide accurate and up-to-date information based on your individual situation. Additionally, the official website of the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) can provide detailed information regarding the specific requirements and procedures for work permits in submit visa submission