Foreign workers from Comoros may have various reasons for wanting to move to Europe with a work permit visa. Here are some potential motivations:

  1. Economic opportunities: Comoros is a small developing country with limited job prospects and economic challenges. Foreign workers may seek better employment opportunities, higher wages, and improved economic conditions in Europe. They may be attracted to the larger job market, diverse industries, and potential for career advancement.

  2. Professional development: Moving to Europe with a work permit visa can provide foreign workers from Comoros with access to a broader range of industries, specialized expertise, and professional development opportunities. They may seek to enhance their skills, gain new experiences, and broaden their professional networks.

  3. Education and research opportunities: Europe is known for its prestigious universities, research institutions, and academic programs. Foreign workers from Comoros may desire access to higher education or research opportunities in their field of interest that may not be readily available in Comoros.

  4. Political stability and security: Comoros has experienced political instability and security concerns in the past. Some foreign workers may seek a more stable and secure environment in Europe, away from potential risks and uncertainties.

  5. Healthcare and social welfare: Europe often offers well-developed healthcare systems and social welfare programs. Foreign workers from Comoros may be attracted to the opportunity for better healthcare access and social support for themselves and their families.

  6. Family reunification: Some foreign workers from Comoros may have family members or relatives already residing in Europe. Moving with a work permit visa can enable them to reunite with their families, live together, and support each other in a different environment.

  7. Cultural experiences and diversity: Europe offers a rich cultural heritage, diverse societies, and vibrant cities. Foreign workers from Comoros may be attracted to the opportunity to experience different cultures, languages, and traditions while living and working in Europe.


It's important to recognize that individual motivations may vary, and each foreign worker's circumstances, aspirations, and personal goals can submit visa submission