The Holy See, also known as Vatican City, is a sovereign city-state located within Rome, Italy. As an independent state, the Holy See does not have direct ties to the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). However, there may still be some reasons why foreign workers in the Holy See would want to move to Europe with a work permit visa:

  1. Expanded job opportunities: Vatican City is a small territory with limited employment prospects. Moving to Europe with a work permit visa can offer foreign workers in the Holy See access to a wider range of job opportunities in different sectors and industries. They may seek to explore new career paths, gain experience in various fields, and expand their professional horizons.

  2. Access to the EU market: By obtaining a work permit visa in an EU member state, foreign workers in the Holy See can potentially gain access to the European Union market. This could be particularly appealing for individuals working in fields such as art, culture, academia, or religious services, as it allows them to reach a broader audience or engage in collaborations with European counterparts.

  3. Educational and professional development: Foreign workers in the Holy See may be interested in pursuing educational or professional development opportunities that are more readily available in European countries. Moving to Europe with a work permit visa can provide access to universities, research institutions, specialized training programs, and professional networks, which can enhance their qualifications and career prospects.

  4. Cultural exchange and personal growth: Moving to Europe can offer foreign workers in the Holy See the opportunity to experience different cultures, broaden their horizons, and engage in a diverse society. They may seek personal growth through exposure to new perspectives, cultural experiences, and the chance to build connections and networks in an international setting.


It's important to note that the specific opportunities for foreign workers in the Holy See to move to Europe with a work permit visa may depend on their individual circumstances and the immigration policies of European submit visa submission