Malta is a European country located in the Mediterranean Sea. While it is already a part of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), there could still be various reasons why foreign workers from other countries may want to move to Malta with a work permit visa. Here are some possible motivations:

  1. Job opportunities: Malta has a growing economy with a diverse range of industries, including financial services, iGaming, tourism, manufacturing, and information technology. Foreign workers may be attracted to the job opportunities available in these sectors and seek to enhance their career prospects by working in Malta.

  2. Higher wages: European countries like Malta often offer higher wages compared to some other regions. Foreign workers may be drawn to Malta with the aim of earning a higher income and improving their financial situation.

  3. Stability and quality of life: Malta is known for its political stability, quality healthcare system, and good infrastructure. Foreign workers may desire a higher standard of living, better access to healthcare, and a safe and secure environment for themselves and their families.

  4. Cultural experience and lifestyle: Moving to Malta can provide foreign workers with the opportunity to experience a rich cultural heritage, Mediterranean lifestyle, and a diverse international community. They may appreciate the island's history, vibrant festivals, beautiful landscapes, and mild climate.

  5. Language opportunities: English is widely spoken in Malta, making it an attractive destination for foreign workers who are proficient in English. This can open up more job opportunities, particularly in industries that require English language skills.

  6. Proximity to Europe: Malta's location in the Mediterranean Sea makes it a convenient base for exploring other European countries. Foreign workers may see it as an opportunity to travel and experience different cultures and destinations within Europe.


It's important to note that the specific reasons for foreign workers wanting to move to Malta with a work permit visa can vary depending on individual circumstances, personal goals, and the labor market conditions in their home submit visa submission