Tonga is a Pacific island nation located in Polynesia. As a non-European country, Tonga does not have direct ties to the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). However, there could still be some reasons why foreign workers from Tonga may aspire to move to Europe with a work permit visa:

  1. Expanded job opportunities: Tonga's economy is primarily based on agriculture, fishing, and remittances from Tongan workers overseas. Moving to Europe with a work permit visa can provide foreign workers from Tonga access to a wider range of job opportunities in various industries and sectors. They may seek to explore new career paths, gain international work experience, and improve their employment prospects.

  2. Higher wages and economic stability: European countries often offer higher average wages and better economic stability compared to Tonga. Foreign workers from Tonga may be motivated to move to Europe with a work permit visa in search of better financial prospects, improved living standards, and increased economic security for themselves and their families.

  3. Educational and professional development: Some foreign workers from Tonga may be interested in pursuing higher education or professional development opportunities that are more readily available in European countries. Moving to Europe with a work permit visa can provide access to reputable universities, specialized training programs, and professional networks, which can enhance their qualifications and career prospects.

  4. Access to social benefits and healthcare: European countries generally provide social benefits, comprehensive healthcare systems, and social safety nets. Foreign workers from Tonga may be attracted to the access to quality healthcare, social welfare programs, and improved living standards that can be associated with moving to Europe.

  5. Cultural exchange and personal growth: Moving to Europe can offer foreign workers from Tonga the opportunity to experience a different culture, broaden their horizons, and engage in a diverse society. They may seek personal growth through exposure to new perspectives, cultural experiences, and the chance to build connections and networks in an international setting.


It's important to note that the specific opportunities for foreign workers from Tonga to move to Europe with a work permit visa may depend on individual circumstances, immigration policies, and the labor market conditions of European countries. Additionally, the availability of work permit visas and specific requirements can vary between European countries. Visa submit visa submission